CICA (an acronym from its name in Spanish – Centro Internacional de Conciliación y Arbitraje) is an alternative dispute resolution body founded by the Costa Rican-American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM®) in 1999 and that is duly authorized by Costa Rica’s Ministry of Justice.
The purpose of CICA is to provide the business community, both national and international, an expeditious and accepted method for the resolution of disputes, therefore giving the parties involved an alternative to the courts that is swift, reliable, economical, and confidential.. Though CICA was created by AMCHAM®, it is not necessary to be a member of AMCHAM® to use its services.. CICA is managed by a Board composed of prominent professionals from the business, legal and academic sectors.
The Council for the International Promotion of Costa Rica Medicine (PROMED) has endorsed CICA to resolve disputes related to issues that a foreign patient may have when using the services offered by PROMED members. PROMED believes that for Costa Rica to be competitive in global healthcare, it is crucial to have a method for the legal resolution of disputes when a patient feels unsatisfied with the services rendered. PROMED supports the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process because resolution of a dispute, depending on the complexity of the case, could take years in the Costa Rican courts and with no guarantee of a satisfactory result for either party.
Advantages of arbitration
What services are offered?
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Cámara Costarricense de la Salud